The after-hormone-driven breast cancer cure for food panic, overwhelm and confusion

A nutrition education and coaching program to help you eat with peace, not panic, and enjoy your food again!

The Peaceful Plate Program

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

Are you one of the many hormone-breast cancer survivors who panic about what to eat?

I created my signature nutrition education and coaching program to help survivors just like you make confident diet decisions so you can eat with peace and enjoy your food again. 

I’m Cathy Leman. As a fellow hormone-positive breast cancer survivor, I know how important it is to feel good about what you’re eating. 

As an experienced dietitian, I’m here to share my expertise and support you every step of the way!

Are you finally ready to:

* stop worrying about what you should and shouldn’t be eating
* end the frustration and exhaustion from constantly thinking about your diet
* create a trusted, healthy relationship with food that’s balanced and realistic
learn about phytoestrogens in your food and how they impact your breast health
* understand guidelines for red meat, chicken, eggs, dairy, sugar, gluten and alcohol

When eating is a source of worry, it’s stressful!


Are you a survivor of hormone-positive breast cancer who can’t relax and enjoy your food?

I understand.

There’s conflicting information everywhere, and everyone you speak to has a different recommendation; it’s frustrating and overwhelming.

Every decision about food feels wrong!

It’s so hard to eat perfectly and in control, and you feel guilty when you eat the “wrong” foods.

The truth is, it’s difficult to find trusted guidance to help you figure out your post-treatment diet.

The good news? It doesn’t have to be that way.

You just need the right information and support so you can feel confident in your food choices.

My Peaceful Plate program gives you all of that and more.

The Peaceful Plate was created by me, Cathy Leman, a 20+ years experienced dietitian and survivor of hormone-positive breast cancer.

I’ve worked with countless women who, just like you, felt exhausted from worrying about what foods they should and shouldn’t eat, and frustrated by conflicting nutrition information.


This comprehensive program teaches you how to:

  • Optimize your diet

         . . .so you know you’re doing all you can to potentially reduce your recurrence risk 

  • Keep nutrition simple

       . . .so you don’t feel like a slave to your diet

  • Enjoy food everywhere

       . . .no more second-guessing at social events, restaurants, celebrations

  • Make confident diet decisions

        . . .so you trust yourself to choose the foods that are best for you and your unique needs

  • Know which foods are beneficial

          . . .so you know you’re eating to support your breast (and overall!) health

    • Gain clarity about what to eat and avoid

             . . .so you can enjoy your food without panic, anxiety or guilt

    • Apply current breast cancer nutrition guidelines

             . . .in a sane, balanced, realistic way so you can actually live your life   


    “If I had seen this at the beginning of my diagnosis, it would have saved me months of anxiety.”

    - Tracy | UK

    “Working with you has given me calm confidence, freedom from second-guessing, verification that I’m capable of navigating this post-diagnosis life. Thank you, Cathy.

    - Marnie | North Carolina

    “I’m approaching food with a lot less anxiety, and not worrying that every single thing I put in my mouth is going to cause my cancer to come back. Your program helped me in more ways than I had originally hoped for.”

    - Amy | Utah

    “A breast cancer diagnosis made me want to analyze everything I do, and diet came under particular scrutiny. There is so much misinformation out there, it can be overwhelming and confusing. Cathy shares what the research says and provides facts to help us move forward with greater understanding.”

    - Lori | Illinois

    “I grew up with anxiety around food, but since joining the Peaceful Plate, I now feel confident about making healthy food choices, without guilt. I’m *choosing* health, and that makes all the difference.”

    - Emily | California

    “I have learned so much from you these last six months and have realized that you are the “Food Therapist” I didn’t even know I needed. Forever grateful!”

    - Meg | Michigan

    “Cathy walked me through each moment of my lifestyle, fears, and goals. It was amazing what I learned in six months. I told her I wished I had met her in 2010 when I was first diagnosed.”

    - Sue| Illinois

    In addition to astute, nonjudgmental nutrition education and coaching, Cathy also offered a safe space to work through my difficult feelings around my surgery and follow up treatment. I had setbacks healing from surgery and reconstruction and have struggled with the side effects of estrogen-blocking medications. Cathy fearlessly held the space for my tremendous sense of loss of my femininity. She walked me through my anger and grief. This is arguably her greatest gift.

    - Maura | New York

    What you’ll get when you join the Peaceful Plate


    You read a lot about breast cancer nutrition, but having a professional confirm what you know and teach what you don’t will end your confusion. You’ll learn to make diet decisions with confidence!


    You want to be surrounded by women who “get it” because they’ve walked the same breast cancer path. You’ll enjoy warm camaraderie, positive energy and a judgement-free space.


            You want someone who’s there for you every step of the way. Get the coaching and customized guidance you need to end your food overwhelm, confusion and panic!

    Ready to start eating with peace today?

    You deserve to enjoy your food again!

    I know you want to feel good about what you’re eating.

    And you can with nutrition education, guidance, trouble-shooting, real-life food strategies, and support.

    Without that support, it’s tough to trust yourself to choose the best foods for your unique nutrition needs.

    As a fellow survivor, I know how important it is to feel good about what you’re eating!

    As a dietitian, it breaks my heart to know you panic about your food, because it doesn’t have to be that way.

    I believe you deserve to eat with peace and enjoy your food, and that’s why I created the Peaceful Plate program.



    1. Click the button below to watch my program information video and apply to the Peaceful Plate today

    2. Get the education, coaching and support you need to help you do all you can to support your breast health

    3. Start making confident diet decisions, eating with peace and enjoying your food again!

    What’s included in the Peaceful Plate program?

    Six educational modules:

    • MODULE 1 – Breast Cancer Nutrition Backgrounder
    • MODULE 2 – Exploring Food Fear
    • MODULE 3 – Breast Cancer Nutrition Myths
    • MODULE 4 – Breast Cancer Nutrition 101
    • MODULE 5 – Sweet Facts About Sugar
    • MODULE 6 – The Peaceful Plate Method


    Live masterclass and coaching session:

    • Join Cathy Leman for a weekly deep dive on hormone-positive breast cancer nutrition topics and get answers to all your diet, food and nutrition questions


    Private Facebook group:

    • Experience camaraderie and support from a community of women who’ve walked the same path


    Plant-based recipe library:

    • Access to a robust, ever-growing collection of delicious plant-based recipes

    The Peaceful Plate Gives Back


    Because of your purchase, you’re funding metastatic breast cancer research.

    $25 from every new member purchase goes directly toward finding a cure for Stage IV breast cancer.

    When you join the Peaceful Plate you help not only yourself, but others in the breast cancer community.

    Ready? Don’t wait another day to end your food panic!